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The University of Texas at Austin                                                                                            

Ph.D., English, August 2016

“Queer Novelty: Reading Publics and Canon Formation in 20th Century US Fiction”

Committee: Brian Bremen, Ann Cvetkovich, Jennifer Wilks, Chad Bennett, Janet Staiger

M.A., English, May 2012

Thesis: “’My History, Finally Invented:’ Djuna Barnes’s Nightwood and Its Readers”

Readers: Brian Bremen and Jennifer Wilks

Kenyon College

B.A., English, 2006

Honors Thesis: “The Uses of Identity, the Uses of Affect: The Relationship Between Particular and Universal, Reader and Text in the Novels of James Baldwin”

Advisor: Theodore O. Mason


In refereed journals

“’My History, Finally Invented:’ Nightwood and Its Readers,” QED: A Journal in GLBTQ

Worldmaking Vol. 3, No. 3 (Fall 2016): 71-94.

“’This One Is Different Because It’s Ours:’ the Ordinary, the Extraordinary, and the Working

Class Artist in A Taste of Honey,” Journal of Popular Culture. (Forthcoming)

On the web

“The House in the Reader’s Mind,” Covered with Fur, February 2015

“Toward an Ethics of Tumblr,” Excitable Media, a project of the Digital Writing and Research Lab

Conference Presentations

“Queer Novelty: Giovanni’s Room and Its Publics.” International James Baldwin Conference, The

American University of Paris, May 2016

“Toward a Queer Reception Studies: The Case of Nightwood.” Reception Study Society Biannual

Conference, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, September 2015

“Scattered Cartographies of Rebellion: Archiving Riot Grrrl.” Queer Affect, Queer Archives Symposium,

UT-Austin, May 2013

“’Either I’m Nobody or I’m a Nation: Reading the Languages of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao.”

Graduate Comparative Literature Conference, UT-Austin, October 2012

“A Survivable Name or Endlessly Cathected to Death: The Gilda Stories.” Graduate Comparative

Literature Conference, UT-Austin, October 2011

Invited Presentations

“Reflections on Collaboration,” Graduate Comparative Literature Conference, UT-Austin, Sep. 2014

“A Sometime Thing: Drafts in the James Baldwin Collection at the Harry Ransom Center,” African

American Archives Panel, Harry Ransom Center, UT-Austin, February 2014

Courses Taught


Gay and Lesbian Literature and Culture (Fall 2014, Fall 2015, 2016-2017)

Banned Books and Novel Ideas (Spring 2017)

American Literature 1865 to Present (Fall 2016)

Rhetoric & Writing

Introduction to Rhetoric and Writing (Fall 2012, Spring 2013)

Rhetoric of Confession (Summer 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014)

Critical Reading & Persuasive Writing, Summer Bridge Program (Summer 2014, Summer 2015)

Rhetoric and Writing, SPURS Dual Credit Program (2013-2014 school year)

Teaching Assistantships

Masterworks of American Literature (Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Summer 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2012,

Summer 2012)

University Service & Employment

Graduate Peer Writing Consultant, University Writing Center, Fall 2012 – Spring 2017

Editor-in-chief, E3W (Ethnic and Third World) Review of Books, 2013 – 2015

Reviewer, Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 2015

TA Mentor, Fall 2014 – Spring 2015

Tutor, UT Intercollegiate Athletics, Summer 2011 – Summer 2012

Fellowships & Honors

2016-2017            Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Department of English, UT-Austin

2015-2016           William S. Livingston Outstanding Graduate Student Academic Employee Award Nominee

Summer 2016     Orville Wendell O’Neal Memorial Endowed Scholarship in English

Fall 2015              Outstanding Assistant Instructor Award, Department of English

Spring 2015, Spring 2016                    English Excellence Fellowship

Spring 2014      Hairston Prize for Excellence in Teaching Nominee